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A site made out of chocolate, winner of 5 gold awards

Sagres is Portugal's no 1 beer brand. This fall it launched Sagres Preta Chocolate, a stout beer with a chocolate flavour.

What is more suited to launch it than on a site made entirely out of chocolate? We did just that. With the help of Maître Chocolatier Victor Nunes, renown in Portugal for his sculpture made out of chocolate, we designed and produced an interactive site made 100% out of chocolate.

The only exception is the Sagres Preta Chocolate beer bottle.

In the end we offered to our visitors a piece of this delicious site, sent to their home together with a 6pack of Sagres Preta Chocolate.

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July 14, 2012. 11:42 PM — Quisque vel dapibus magna. In aliquam tempor elementum. Nulla ut eros at metus malesuada sodales sed at nisl. Praesent vel arcu in tortor ullamcorper aliquam eu id nibh. Maecenas adipiscing vulputate velit sed eleifend. Fusce vel ante vitae velit volutpat auctor. Pellentesque aliquam ultricies adipiscing. Cras augue nunc, auctor et dignissim vitae, placerat id dui. Nunc non mi mi, gravida venenatis risus. Nulla quis nibh nec eros congue accumsan. Sed egestas aliquam sapien non porta.

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